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Submitting Data

While we collect data through multiple sources, one of the most important is the Ontario Renal Reporting System (ORRS). This is the first database of its kind and identifies all people receiving care for chronic kidney disease in Ontario.

All kidney care service providers in Ontario submit data to us through this reporting system. The data they provide supports our reporting, planning and system management activities.

Here we provide tools and information for healthcare administrators to prepare and submit data via the Ontario Renal Reporting System.

Data Submission Method and Timeline

Regional Renal Programs collect and submit patient activity data to us monthly via a secure web form or file upload.

Data submission timelines are updated annually as part of the Ontario Renal Network Operating Funding Agreements.

User Support for the Ontario Renal Reporting System

Each Regional Renal Program has a designated main point of contact who is accountable for submitting all activity data through the Ontario Renal Reporting System.

To support these main points of contact, we hold monthly webinars where we provide updates on data collection, and the participants can ask questions and share lessons learned. We encourage all Regional Renal Programs to participate in these calls.

If you are the main point of contact for your Regional Renal Program, we suggest you monitor the Chronic Kidney Disease Regional Leadership Collaboration Site (log-in required) for important information about the Ontario Renal Reporting System.

For more information about the reporting system and how to submit data, or to request access to the collaboration site, please send us an email.

What We Do With the Data

Once we receive the data, we assess its quality so we can be sure all decisions are made based on reliable data.

After data submission and reconciliation (which takes place monthly and semi-annually), we begin analyses and reporting to support all areas of our work. Two significant products produced from the data are:

  • Regional Renal Program Scorecards – These summaries of each Regional Renal Program’s performance across a selection of key performance indicators can be used to compare aggregate results across programs.
  • Funding Reimbursement Files – This information supports the reimbursement of each Regional Renal Program’s activity, and informs decisions about funding for chronic kidney disease services.

Annual Updates and Improvements

The Ontario Renal Reporting System is refreshed annually based on strategy, need and long-term vision. The entire refresh cycle takes about 18 months, including 6 months of pre-planning.

Opportunities for improvement may be identified by the Regional Renal Programs or our health system partners, or they may already be defined in our strategy. Improvements may include:

  • new data collection
  • refined data definitions
  • enhanced data quality constraints
  • retirement of data elements
  • deployment of self-serve reports and extracts