Body Access Tools
The tools and information here are meant to help healthcare providers deliver high-quality vascular access services for people with chronic kidney disease in Ontario.
Fact sheets for patients include information about vascular access, home hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and nutrition.
Vascular Access Education Program
This comprehensive online learning program trains nurses and others who cannulate to deliver safe care for vascular access. All cannulators are required to complete this training every 2 years. Available to all dialysis nurses in Ontario through their Regional Renal Program.
Clinical Guidance
Standardized Hemodialysis Vascular Access Referral Form
Nephrologists may use this form to transfer patient information to surgeons. The form outlines clinical scenarios that require consultation, and specifies the appropriate investigations to accompany the referral.
Vascular Surgery – Adult Priority Assessment Tool
Surgeons use the priority scale described in this tool to assess the priority for timing of vascular access surgery.
Tools to Share with Patients
Use these patient-friendly fact sheets to supplement the educational material your clinic provides to patients.
Vascular Access Fact Sheets
This series of fact sheets helps educate patients about vascular access options for hemodialysis. Available in English and French.
Peritoneal Dialysis Fact Sheets
These fact sheets help guide patients through peritoneal dialysis, teach them about the basics of care and explain how peritoneal dialysis works. Available in English and French.
Home Hemodialysis Fact Sheets
These fact sheets help guide patients through home hemodialysis, teach them about the basics of care and explain how home hemodialysis works. Available in English and French.
Nutrition Fact Sheets
This series of fact sheets helps educate patients about which foods to eat when their kidneys are not working well. Available in 7 languages, plus versions for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.